Command line tools

The installation process installs 4 scripts in the appropriate PATH.


The morfessor command is a full-featured script for training, updating models and segmenting test data.

Loading existing model

-l <file>
load Binary model
-L <file>
load Morfessor 1.0 style text model

Loading data

-t <file>, --traindata <file>
Input corpus file(s) for training (text or bz2/gzipped text; use ‘-‘ for standard input; add several times in order to append multiple files). Standard, all sentences are split on whitespace and the tokens are used as compounds. The --traindata-list option can be used to read all input files as a list of compounds, one compound per line optionally prefixed by a count. See Data format command line options for changing the delimiters used for separating compounds and atoms.
Interpret all training files as list files instead of corpus files. A list file contains one compound per line with optionally a count as prefix.
-T <file>, --testdata <file>
Input corpus file(s) to analyze (text or bz2/gzipped text; use ‘-‘ for standard input; add several times in order to append multiple files). The file is read in the same manner as an input corpus file. See Data format command line options for changing the delimiters used for separating compounds and atoms.

Training model options

-m <mode>, --mode <mode>

Morfessor can run in different modes, each doing different actions on the model. The modes are:

Do initialize or train a model. Can be used when just loading a model for segmenting new data
Create new model and load input data. Does not train the model
Loads an existing model (which is already initialized with training data) and run Batch training
Create a new model, load input data and run Batch training. Default
Create a new model, read and train the model concurrently as described in Online training
First read and train the model concurrently as described in Online training and after that retrain the model using Batch training
-a <algorithm>, --algorithm <algorithm>

Algorithm to use for training:

Recursive as descirbed in Recursive training Default
Viterbi as described in Local Viterbi training
-d <type>, --dampening <type>

Method for changing the compound counts in the input data. Options:

Do not alter the counts of compounds (token based training)
Change the count \(x\) of a compound to \(\log(x)\) (log-token based training)
Treat all compounds as if they only occured once (type based training)
-f <list>, --forcesplit <list>
A list of atoms that would always cause the compound to be split. By default only hyphens (-) would force a split. Note the notation of the argument list. To have no force split characters, use as an empty string as argument (-f ""). To split, for example, both hyphen (-) and apostrophe (') use -f "-'"
-F <float>, --finish-threshold <float>
Stopping threshold. Training stops when the decrease in model cost of the last iteration is smaller then finish_threshold * #boundaries; (default ‘0.005’)
-r <seed>, --randseed <seed>
Seed for random number generator
-R <float>, --randsplit <float>
Initialize new words by random splitting using the given split probability (default no splitting). See Random initialization
Use random skips for frequently seen compounds to speed up training. See Random initialization
--batch-minfreq <int>
Compound frequency threshold for batch training (default 1)
--max-epochs <int>
Hard maximum of epochs in training
--nosplit-re <regexp>
If the expression matches the two surrounding characters, do not allow splitting (default None)
--online-epochint <int>
Epoch interval for online training (default 10000)
--viterbi-smoothing <float>
Additive smoothing parameter for Viterbi training and segmentation (default 0).
--viterbi-maxlen <int>
Maximum construction length in Viterbi training and segmentation (default 30)

Saving model

-s <file>
save Binary model
-S <file>
save Morfessor 1.0 style text model


Training a model from inputdata.txt, saving a Morfessor 1.0 style text model and segmenting the test.txt set:

morfessor -t inputdata.txt -S model.segm -T test.txt


The morfessor-train command is a convenience command that enables easier training for morfessor models.

The basic command structure is:

morfessor-train [arguments] traindata-file [traindata-file ...]

The arguments are identical to the ones for the morfessor command. The most relevant are:

-s <file>
save binary model
-S <file>
save Morfessor 1.0 style model


Train a morfessor model from a wordcount list in ISO_8859-15, doing type based training, writing the log to logfile and saving them model as model.bin:

morfessor-train --encoding=ISO_8859-15 --traindata-list --logfile=log.log -s model.bin -d ones traindata.txt


The morfessor-segment command is a convenience command that enables easier segmentation of test data with a morfessor model.

The basic command structure is:

morfessor-segment [arguments] testcorpus-file [testcorpus-file ...]
The arguments are identical to the ones for the morfessor command. The most
relevant are:
-l <file>
load binary model
-L <file>
load Morfessor 1.0 style model


Loading a binary model and segmenting the words in testdata.txt:

morfessor-segment -l model.bin testdata.txt


The morfessor-evaluate command is used for evaluating a morfessor model against a gold-standard. If multiple models are evaluated, it reports statistical significant differences between them.

The basic command structure is:

morfessor-evaluate [arguments] <goldstandard> <model> [<model> ...]

Positional arguments

gold standard file in standard annotation format
model files to segment (either binary or Morfessor 1.0 style segmentation models).

Optional arguments

Segmentation of the test set. Note that all words in the gold-standard must
be segmented
--num-samples <int>
number of samples to take for testing
--sample-size <int>
size of each testing samples
--format-string <format>
Python new style format string used to report evaluation results. The following variables are a value and and action separated with and underscore. E.g. fscore_avg for the average f-score. The available values are “precision”, “recall”, “fscore”, “samplesize” and the available actions: “avg”, “max”, “min”, “values”, “count”. A last meta-data variable (without action) is “name”, the filename of the model. See also the format-template option for predefined strings.
--format-template <template>
Uses a template string for the format-string options. Available templates are: default, table and latex. If format-string is defined this option is ignored.


Evaluating three different models against a golden standard, outputting the results in latex table format::

morfessor-evaluate --format-template=latex goldstd.txt model1.bin model2.segm model3.bin

Data format command line options

--encoding <encoding>
Encoding of input and output files (if none is given, both the local encoding and UTF-8 are tried).
lowercase input data
input file(s) for batch training are lists (one compound per line, optionally count as a prefix)
--atom-separator <regexp>
atom separator regexp (default None)
--compound-separator <regexp>
compound separator regexp (default ‘s+’)
--analysis-separator <str>
separator for different analyses in an annotation file. Use NONE for only allowing one analysis per line
--output-format <format>
format string for –output file (default: ‘{analysis}\n’). Valid keywords are: {analysis} = constructions of the compound, {compound} = compound string, {count} = count of the compound (currently always 1), {logprob} = log-probability of the analysis, and {clogprob} = log-probability of the compound. Valid escape sequences are \n (newline) and \t (tabular)
--output-format-separator <str>
construction separator for analysis in –output file (default: ‘ ‘)
for each newline in input, print newline in –output file (default: ‘False’)

Universal command line options

--verbose <int>  -v
verbose level; controls what is written to the standard error stream or log file (default 1)
--logfile <file>
write log messages to file in addition to standard error stream
Force the progressbar to be displayed (possibly lowers the log level for the standard error stream)
-h show this help message and exit
show version number and exit

Morfessor features

All features below are described in a short format, mainly to guide making the right choice for a certain parameter. These features are explained in detail in the Morfessor 2.0 Technical Report.

Batch training

In batch training, each epoch consists of an iteration over the full training data. Epochs are repeated until the model cost is converged. All training data needed in the training needs to be loaded before the training starts.

Online training

In online training the model is updated while the data is being added. This allows for rapid testing and prototyping. All data is only processed once, hence it is advisable to run Batch training afterwards. The size of an epoch is a fixed, predefined number of compounds processed. The only use of an epoch for online training is to select the best annotations in semi-supervised training.

Recursive training

In recursive training, each compound is processed in the following manner. The current split for the compound is removed from the model and its constructions are updated accordingly. After this, all possible splits are tried, by choosing one split and running the algorithm recursively on the created constructions.

In the end, the best split is selected and the training continues with the next compound.

Local Viterbi training

In Local Viterbi training the compounds are processed sequentially. Each compound is removed from the corpus and afterwards segmented using Viterbi segmentation. The result is put back into the model.

In order to allow new constructions to be created, the smoothing parameter must be given some non-zero value.

Random skips

In Random skips, frequently seen compounds are skipped in training with a random probability. As shown in the Morfessor 2.0 Technical Report this speeds up the training considerably with only a minor loss in model performance.

Random initialization

In random initialization all compounds are split randomly. Each possible boundary is made a split with the given probability.

Selecting a good random initialization parameter helps in finding local optima as long as the split probability is high enough.